Glenn’s #1 National Best Seller is Now Available on Video!
Product Format: DVD Video
What’s Included in the Box: 8 DVDs and a Discussion Guide. Plus a Free DVD player if you don’t have one. Total running time is 6:36, but each section is conveniently broken up into short segments that can be played at Lunch and Learns.
Dear Manager,
If you’re sick of entitlement-minded people who DON’T want to work but DO want someone to take care of them, then read on.
Payroll is the biggest single investment for most companies. If you don’t get a good return on that investment, you’ll be out of a job.
And that’s the last thing you need, especially in these times.
Back when our grandparents were heading off to work, everybody understood what it meant have a strong work ethic. Sadly, that’s just not true today.
Before you can hold people to the high standards you need, you have to make sure everyone understands the “Rules of Work”.
That’s why we’ve turned my #1 best-selling book “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without” into a complete training program on DVD video.
And why should you listen to me?
Don’t! Instead, listen to what these smart people had to say:
“Glenn’s messages resonate with my values and those that have made Staples so successful. This is clear, direct, and right on target…a great source of useful career advice. Highly recommended.”
Ronald L. Sargent
“I had the same problems with employees for 23 years. Then when I decided to hire a new employee, I gave her Glenn’s “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without”. She has never been late, nor has she called in sick, nor does she give me excuses.”
Cheri Armstrong
Meca Sportwear
Schertz, TX
Recently we were having issues with an employee who had become high maintenance and a little careless. Instead of firing him, we gave him Glenn’s “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without”. What a difference that has made! Now all of our employee are getting it.
John Nolte
Nolte Organ Building & Supply
Milwaukee, WI
“Not only has “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without” helped me get a promotion, but it has assisted me in identifying the real champions that work for me.”
David Irving, GM
Mid-States Utility Trailer Sales
Omaha, NE
An Epidemic of Incompetence
While the problems you see aren’t unusual, they ARE relatively new.
Not that long ago people actually respected hard work and admired folks who got ahead – whether it was getting good grades, making the team or finally landing that corner office.
But in the last 20 years, hard work has actually gotten a bad name.
Today, there’s an ever-growing entitlement mentality and a belief that hard work ruins quality of life.
These people tell you to “Stop and smell the roses”, but forget that the roses wouldn’t be there if someone hadn’t first done the hard work of planting, weeding, fertilizing and watering them.
From the server who gets your order wrong to the plumber who’s running hours behind schedule and never calls to let you know when he’s coming, we’re surrounded by incompetence.
But nothing is worse than seeing your own people behave like that – because you know that every time they make a mistake, leave something undone or behave unprofessionally, they’re jeopardizing your job too.
It’s Not that Your Employees Are Bad People
But a lot of people were never taught the values that go into a good work ethic. Even those who were may have succumbed to toxic thinking such as:
“I Deserve a Raise Just Because”
You’d be amazed at how many people believe they deserve to get paid for simply showing up. They don’t see the connection between actual results and their paycheck.
“I’ve Been Here for years, So My Job is Secure”
Complacency like that is the fastest road to sloppy performance. because long-time employees earn more, they need to produce more.
“We’re One Big Happy Family”
If you’re wondering why your place of business sometimes feels like a therapy group, this is the culprit. Employees need to know that home is the place for sharing feelings. Work is the place for getting things done.
Boost Your Company’s Bottom Line…and Increase Your Income Too
Once your team understands that THEY are in charge of their future, they’re on their way to becoming the kind of employees every organization wants, and you become more valuable too.
That’s where I come in.
I’ve been managing, lecturing about managing, and consulting for top companies for over 30 years. Mostly I focus on management principles designed to boost individual and group performance.
Then one day my publisher in New York City suggested I write a book to show employees how to knock the sox off their employers. That book, “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without”, was an instant #1 Best Seller, beating out mega titles at the time including “Marley and Me”, “Eat, Pray, Love”, and “The Da Vinci Code”.
Now, we’ve turned it into an easy-to-use training program that shows your people exactly what you want from them.
Everything You Want Them to Know
This program is an intensive course in the skills everyone needs to become indispensable.
Whether it’s on-time arrival, proper dress, doing their best, picking up the slack when someone else is out, or picking up that candy wrapper on the lunchroom floor, they’ll know what they need to do to make themselves – and you – look good.
I Cover the Ground So You Don’t Have To
People are more willing to make changes when they hear criticism from an “authority” rather than the supervisor they see every day.
If I say something that ticks them off (and I just might, because I don’t candy coat the truth!), they can be mad at me without harming their relationship with you.
For New Hires and Old Hands
This program is great for new hires because it makes things crystal clear from the very beginning.
But it works even better with folks who’ve been with you for years. Why? Because this program is a simple and effective way to reinforce everything you’ve been trying to get across to them.
Instead of getting defensive – as they might if you were discussing a problem with them face to face – they can sit back, relax, watch, and learn.
“This Is Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile”
Once upon a time when our grandparents were heading off to work, everybody understood what it meant to hold a job. They knew what to expect – and what was expected of them.
Sadly, that’s just not true today. So before you can hold employees to the high standards we need, you have to teach them the “rules of the road.” That’s what I do in this program, by focusing on issues like:
That’s just a small part of what’s included, but you get the idea. We’re talking about concepts every successful company needs ALL of its employees to hear and take to heart.
Protect Your Biggest Investment
You search for employees, hire them, train them, pay them, manage them – and then hope they turn out to be worth it. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. But either way it eats up a LOT of your time and money. Not to mention how emotionally draining and mentally exhausting it is to invest all that time and money into someone who doesn’t work out.
This program is the smartest move you can make to protect that investment.
Because I want as many people as possible to benefit from this, I’m going to send you the complete system at MY RISK.
Use the materials all you want for up to 30 days. You’ll see INSTANT RESULTS.
If you’re not convinced that this is the greatest employee training system ever created, return it to me for a full refund.
Here’s What Included in This Complete Employee Training Package
What’s Included in the Box: 8 DVDs and a Discussion Guide. Plus a Free DVD player if you don’t have one. Total running time is 6:36, but each section is conveniently broken up into short segments that can be played at Lunch and Learns.
By Now, I Bet You’re “Worrying” About the Price …
Most people guess we’re into the $5,000.00+ price range for a program this effective. Fortunately, we are not.
Since you took the time to come to this website, I’m prepared to offer you this program at the lowest price it will ever be available for… The price for everything included with my complete employee training program “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without” is only $997.
There’s Even A Remarkably Generous DOUBLE GUARANTEE
Your FIRST Guarantee: You have THREE full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, just return everything and you’ll get 100% of your money back immediately. No one will ask you any questions at all. You do not need a “my dog ate my homework story”. No hassle. No fine print. Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get or you get a full refund. And, incidentally, I’m devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you’re not going to benefit from my program, I really would prefer to buy it back.
Your SECOND Guarantee: If you keep the program after the three months, I’ll ride along with you for another nine months. If, after a full year from your purchase date, you will show me proof that you used at least one of my strategies, and you will look me in the eye on paper and tell me you did not drastically improve motivation, morale, or productivity in your organization that you would not have otherwise, send me a note describing your use and failure with my methods, and I will STILL refund every penny you’ve paid. I want you to see major improvements in your organization that you know you would never have gotten without my program, or I want to buy it back.
So, THREE FULL MONTHS, unconditional satisfaction guarantee. PLUS an additional NINE MONTH conditional guarantee. Plus FREE shipping regardless of your decision about everything else.
Click one of these buttons to order now!
If you prefer to order by phone, call us at (615) 353-7125. You can use any payment method you like, including Amazon, Apple, PayPal, and all major credit cards. We can even invoice you.
No matter which method you choose, don’t put it off another minute. Order today and I guarantee you’ll IMMEDIATLEY start seeing AMAZING improvements in your business.
To Advancing Your Career and Increasing Your Income,
Glenn Shepard
P.S. This program comes on DVD. If you don’t have a DVD player, let us know in the Order Notes field on the checkout page and we’ll include one with your order for Free.
P.S. What you’ve got here is the opportunity to create a true win-win situation. Your employees get the skills they need to take charge of their careers, and you get people with the kind of enthusiasm and dedication that makes you hugely successful.
P.P.S. What makes it even better is that I do all the heavy lifting for you. You just sit back and enjoy a peaceful, productive, professional workplace and start dreaming about how you’re going to spend that extra money you’ll make when you get that new promotion.
Read This Only If You’re on a Tight Budget…
If you’re on a tight budget, I understand that you might be tempted not to take advantage of this incredible program for the very reasonable investment of just $997.
If so, then allow me to explain why this is “backward thinking”.
Losing just one employee will cost you $10,000, and keeping an unproductive employee will cost you even more.
If this program turns around just one of your people, it will be worth MANY TIMES that.
I want you to try it at my risk. Let your employees watch it, and soak up all the incredible tools that I’ve packed in it, and then you be the judge.
Then if you’re not convinced that this is the greatest employee training system ever created, return it to me for a full refund.
There’s nothing we love more than helping our clients succeed, and we hope your purchase will lead you to your desired results. But if for any reason it doesn’t, we offer an industry leading 90-day unconditional 100% money-back guarantee on everything.
We believe every customer should get the VIP treatment – no matter how big or small. That’s why you’ll always enjoy FREE complimentary shipping anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, with NO minimums and NO exclusions.
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