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About Glenn

Glenn is a best-selling author of six books, which have been published in seven languages, including “How to Manage Problem Employees”, “How to Make Performance Evaluations Really Work”, and the #1 Best-Seller “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without”.

His seminar is now the #1 rated Front-Line Management Training in America and has been hosted by over 400 colleges and chambers of commerce from California to New York.

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Learn Something Every Day

My father was a humble mechanic who only asked two things of me. One was to become an Eagle Scout. I did, and that continues to be one of the proudest accomplishments of my life. The other was to become the first person in our family to go to college. I did that too. But that turned out to be one of the biggest disappointments of my life. I never told my father because it would have crushed him, but about 90% of what I learned in college was useless in the real world – even though I earned a degree in management from a highly rated state university. None of those textbooks or professors ever mentioned one word about real world issues like how to find good employees, how to get people to come to work on time, etc. And that’s how Glenn Shepard Seminars was founded. Real-world training, with real-world solutions, for real-world managers who work in front line supervisory positions.

Glenn Shepard

Our Mission

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

Our mission at Glenn Shepard Seminars is to provide front line supervisors with the highest level of management and leadership training through seminars, webinars, audio and video courses.

Learn From an Industry Leader

Glenn Shepard is an industry leader when it comes to management.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Most of our audio and video courses have discussion guides to go along with the course.

Professional Certification

We are an approved provider with the Society of Human Resources (SHRM) and Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).