If the thought of confrontation makes you want to crawl under the bed, it’s time to
Stop Avoiding Conflict and Learn the Right Way to Get What You Want
This complete video program will show you how
Product Format: DVD Video
Look, nobody likes confrontation.
We’d all prefer a world of win-win situations where everybody ends up holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
But unless you manage robots instead of people, some conflict comes with the job.
And when it does, you have a choice.
1. You can back away, avoid setting limits and boundaries and end up covered in footprints because your people walk all over you.
2. You can learn how to deal with conflict the right way — firmly, fairly and consistently — without being either a marshmallow or an authoritarian jerk.
If that sounds good, read on.
Because I can help you do exactly that (and a whole bunch of other things that will make your job as a manager or supervisor easier – and a lot more satisfying).
You Could be Sleeping with a Sociopath and Not Even Know It
You’ll discover proven techniques for dealing with nearly every potential conflict situation, from “ordinary” employees with ordinary issues all the way up to sociopaths who can put your career at risk.
Mental health experts estimate that 1 out of every 25 people is a sociopath. That means there’s about a 100% chance you know one.
The problem is that they’re so hard to identify because they’re MASTERS of deception.
You could be working with (or even married to) a sociopath and not even know it.
That’s why I created my “Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” video training program.
In these videos, I’ll show you the signs to look for.
Your Employees are Evaluating YOU
How many times have you:
And every time something like that happens you feel angry – at your employees for sure but even more at yourself. Especially when you realize those employees know full well they’re taking advantage of you – they just expect to get away with it.
But even though it makes your stomach hurt, you don’t say anything because you’d really rather get through the day without any confrontations.
“Wusses” Never Win and Marshmallows Get Roasted
The problem is, every time you shy away from conflict like that, your employees are watching and coming to the well-justified conclusion that you’re what older folks call a “Softie” and younger ones call a “Wuss”.
Remember Where Nice Guys Finish?
When you DO finally speak out, they feel entitled to question your authority and make unreasonable demands. All of which can turn the smallest correction into the kind of confrontation drama you’ve been working so hard to avoid.
In fact, your efforts to avoid conflict will actually make the situation worse when it inevitably boils over. Sad to say, it’s what you get for trying to be Mr. or Ms. Nice Guy.
You’ve Got to Learn How to “Cowboy Up” WITHOUT Running People Off
That doesn’t mean you have to be nasty or rude or heavy-handed. Confident and professional will do just fine, and my informative and enjoyable videos will show you how to meet that high standard every single time.
Plus we’ll look at:
This is solid, research-proven information gathered from the disciplines of management, sociology and psychology — but I’m giving it to you in clear, concrete, use-it-right-now language with real-world examples I’m sure you’ll recognize.
You’ll receive this comprehensive course on five videos and a full study guide to follow along.
Does it Work? You Decide
Assertive managers – unlike wimps or authoritarian jerks – are prepared to deal effectively with all kinds of employees. They know how to prevent explosions by setting expectations for employees who truly don’t know they’re causing trouble, and by setting boundaries for the ones who know exactly what game they’re trying to play.
Assertive managers know that conflict is an unavoidable part of their relationship with the people who report to them. But they also know – and you will, too, after watching this program – how to manage conflict to make sure you win, which means getting what you want while maintaining the respect and loyalty of your people.
When you’ve finished watching this program – you’ll have the tools and the confidence – you need to take control and create an environment where people work hard, behave well and actually enjoy being part of the team.
The Amazing Thing Is the Speed at Which This System Over 30 Years in The Making Will Make Your Job Easier and Eliminate Stress from Your Life
Learn How to Tame the 3 Personalities that Make Managers Go Prematurely Gray and the Right Way to Get What You Want!
If you want the RESPECT you deserve and to get people to do what you want them to do, then lock the door, take the phone off the hook, kick off your shoes, and get comfortable…
…because this could be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
I have released my video program “Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” that will help you manage with more confidence and greater authority and forever ALTER your life.
Here’s just SOME of what you’ll get in this astonishing course:
My “Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” course is tweaked and refined after over 30 years in management and includes techniques used by over 100,000 companies that have attended my seminars.
This is just some of what you’ll discover in the “Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” course —with examples that show you EXACTLY how to respond to all forms of Deviant Behavior…including Arguing, Backtalk, Bad Attitudes, Bullying, Defiance, Disrespect, Challenging your Authority, Manipulation, Whining, and more.
Stop Being A Softie and Start Getting the Respect You Deserve
When you take action now, you’ll be able to reinvent your company culture – FAST… regardless of whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a local flower shop.
If you’re new to management: you’ll learn how to get the results you want once and for all thanks to these powerful ways to manage with more confidence and greater authority.
You’ll finally put an end to your employees — and even your KIDS — disrespecting your authority and have both eagerly asking for your guidance.
If you’re a veteran manager: you’ll be able to “Re-educate” difficult, pain in the you –know – what employees.
Yes you could just fire them, but your company has sunk a lot into training them. It’ll cost you $10,500.00 MINIMUM to lose one employee. If you can be the “Agent of Change” who ushers in a Massive Tidal Wave of Attitude Adjustments so that everyone is respectful to and cooperative with You — and their Coworkers — it will be a real boost to your career.
Listen: I know this sounds like a lot of hype and you’re probably skeptical right now.
But if you suspend your skepticism and keep reading every single word of this, you’ll discover how to follow in the footsteps of the Elite Managers and Leaders who have been able to erase the “evils” of managing people such as:
No Other System Has a Track Record of Making Ordinary Managers So Successful, Relaxed and Happy
This innovative material has been used successfully for over 30 years by managers and supervisors like you. It has given thousands an almost “Unfair” advantage so these managers are no longer beholden to their employees.
Listen, I know what you’re going through. You’ve likely been a management VICTIM — constantly wasting time and money, not really knowing what works and what doesn’t, and constantly reinventing the wheel too often, and — to be blunt — getting where you’re going by paddling faster and harder, without a fail-safe navigation system.
Well, I’m here to tell you that this will no longer work.
You can easily be slaughtered much faster in the New Workforce by NOT KNOWING HOW TO SYSTEMATICALLY, efficiently, communicate your exact expectations to your employees in today’s multi-generational workforce.
If you are willing to be honest and admit that you don’t really have a reliable system in place — then you are going to count this letter as one of the most important letter you have read this year.
It’s time to introduce you to my more valuable-than-ever…
All New with New Examples and New Techniques to Have Those Difficult Employee Conversations and Deal with Uncomfortable Situations with All Generations — Including Generation Y, Gen X, and Baby Boomers
“Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” consists of 5 DVDs, but you must not prejudge it because of that. This is actually a complete toolkit…real tools you take and use in your business.
I devised “Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” to help regular managers with no degree in management, no degree in psychology and no training on how to handle deviant behavior, and empower them to turn around difficult people on their own without hiring outside help.
Red-hot management success does not depend on outlandish game plans or go-for-broke, pie-in-the-sky schemes. You need a saner, different, more productive path to understanding people and personality types that makes supervising people more pleasant, rewarding and fun.
“Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” will show you how to attack the behavior, not the person. That’s because true management mastery does depend on powerful, well-crafted, communication skills — a tried and true system — rooted in common sense.
It cuts out all the highbrow classroom theories that don’t work in the real world and provides a simple collection of tools and strategies that are the solid foundation for effective management with profound competitive advantage.
By Now, I’ll Bet You Are “Worrying” About the Price …
Most people guess we’re into the $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 price range for soemthing this in-depth. Fortunately, we are not.
Since you took the time to come to my website, I’m prepared to offer you this program at the lowest price it will ever be available for… The price for everything included with “Assertiveness Skills for Managers: How to Be Firm, Fair, and Consistent without Being a Jerk” is only $997.
There’s Even A Remarkably Generous DOUBLE GUARANTEE
Your first Guarantee: You have THREE full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, just return everything and you’ll get 100% of your money back immediately. No one will ask you any questions at all. You do not need a “my dog ate my homework story”. No hassle. No fine print. Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get or you get a full refund. And, incidentally, I’m devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you’re not going to benefit from my program, I really would prefer to buy it back.
Your SECOND Guarantee: If you keep the program after the three months, I’ll ride along with you for another nine months. If, after a full year from your purchase date, you will show me proof that you used at least one of my strategies, and you will look me in the eye on paper and tell me you did not drastically improve motivation, morale, or productivity in your organization that you would not have otherwise, send me a note describing your use and failure with my methods, and I will STILL refund every penny you’ve paid. I want you to see major improvements in your organization that you know you would never have gotten without my program, or I want to buy it back.
So, THREE FULL MONTHS, unconditional satisfaction guarantee. PLUS an additional NINE MONTH conditional guarantee. Plus FREE shipping regardless of your decision about everything else.
Click one of these buttons to order now!
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If you prefer to order by phone, call us at (615) 353-7125. You can use any payment method you like, including Amazon, Apple, PayPal, and all major credit cards. We can even invoice you.
No matter which method you choose, order today and I guarantee you’ll start seeing AMAZING improvements in your business within the next 30 days.
To Advancing Your Career and Increasing Your Income,
Glenn Shepard
P.S. This program comes on DVD. If you don’t have a DVD player, let us know in the Order Notes section on the checkout page and we’ll include one with your order for Free.
Read This Only If You’re on a Tight Budget
I understand that you might be tempted not to take advantage of this incredible offer.
If so, then please allow me to explain why this is “backward thinking”.
It’s wise to make every dollar count, but it’s foolish to step over a dollar to save a dime.
Losing just one employee will cost you $10,000 and the cost of keeping an unproductive employee is even higher.
If this program turns around just one of your people, it will be worth 10 times your investment.
There’s nothing we love more than helping our clients succeed, and we hope your purchase will lead you to your desired results. But if for any reason it doesn’t, we offer an industry leading 90-day unconditional 100% money-back guarantee on everything.
We believe every customer should get the VIP treatment – no matter how big or small. That’s why you’ll always enjoy FREE complimentary shipping anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, with NO minimums and NO exclusions.
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