Glenn Shepard Store


Uncover What’s Really Behind Employees’ Poor Performance and Motivate Them to Succeed as Never Before!

Product Format: DVD Video
Running Time: 1:06

Dear Colleague,

Take a quick look around your office.

What do you see?

If you’re blessed with great Leadership and Managerial skills you see eager, motivated people happily doing their best because it’s important to them.

But if you’re an ordinary human being like most of us, you also see some people just going through the motions.

I’ve been where you are and I know exactly how discouraging it can be.

You work hard and do your best but somehow things just get off track.

What’s worse, you know if you can see your employees’ lack of excitement and commitment your bosses are going to see it, too.

And put the blame squarely on your shoulders.

What went wrong?

You know for a fact that a number of your people looked like real All Stars when they were hired – the kind of employees who aren’t just great producers, but also make everyone around them better, too.

Today, though, they’re just a tad better than average – and nowhere near as focused, eager and committed as they were when they arrived.

So what happened?

Chances are they ran head on into one of a number of common “Performance Barriers” — situations that drain the life and enthusiasm out of even the best employees and leave them with their wheels spinning.

It’s a lot like those great little cars you had when you were a kid. You wound them up and they raced across the floor – until they hit a wall, at which point they just lay there buzzing loudly but going nowhere at all.

Now, once that happened, you had to redirect the car to get it moving again.

Same thing in your office.

You need the skills to redirect employees who’ve gotten off track. AND the ability to spot and REMOVE additional performance barriers before they get in anyone else’s way.

In short, you could use some help – and that’s exactly what I’m offering.

Get things back on track

Chances are you didn’t learn the skills you need to deal with performance barriers in school.

If you did, you would already have been promoted about six times and be facing a whole different set of challenges.

Your workplace is living proof that you can’t acquire these skills by simply going to work every day and trying hard.

Which is why I developed “Performance Breakthroughs – How to Remove Barriers that Block Employee Performance” that can start making things better right away.

When I first presented this program live to executives at the Performance Management Forum at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, I was amazed at the response it got. Attendees – all of whom were high level, experienced managers that flew in from all over the U.S. and Canada to attend – kept coming up to me to say how excited they were by this or that suggestion.

And you know what? I continued to hear from them for months with stories about how well my strategies had worked and what a difference they were seeing in their employees.

Which is why I decided to help managers who couldn’t make it to that conference take advantage of the program by creating a powerful package

Simple and straightforward, this program explains how to discover what’s holding your employees back, then gives you easy-to-use tactics to get them excited and motivated again

From One Manager to Another

As a manager myself (for over 30 long and highly educational years) I know what you’re facing. So I’ve made this program simple and enjoyable to use. I talk about real-world situations you’ll recognize right off and offer solutions that will have you saying “YES, I have to try that tomorrow!”

And because I’m on your side, the program doesn’t just talk about roadblocks managers sometimes create themselves.

It also includes strategies for dealing with problems that stem from bad decisions by people at the top of the organization – things like poorly thought out compensation strategies that end up creating bad feelings.

And “Peter Principle” promotions that turn great employees into dreadful bosses.

Plus, we’ll take a long hard look at the baggage many employees bring with them. You know what I’m talking about:

  • the workaholics who pride themselves on their 70 hour weeks but don’t accomplish any more than the employees who watch the clock;

  • the perfectionists who produce beautiful work – while turning blowing deadlines into an art form:

  • not to mention younger members of the “Trophy Generation” who have received so much false recognition (for everything from brushing their teeth in the morning to eating their veggies at night) that they don’t “get” the relationship between real performance and reward.

Time to Act

Over 100,000 managers have made their jobs easier and less stressful – and made themselves heroes to their organizations — by using my ideas and strategies.

Now it’s time for YOU to take advantage of this powerful information.

By now, I’ll bet you’re “worrying” about the price …

Most people guess we’re into the $3,000 to $5,000 price range. Fortunately, we are not.

Since you took the time to come to my website, I’m prepared to offer you this program at the lowest price it will ever be available for… The price for everything included with “Performance Breakthroughs – How to Remove Barriers that Block Employee Performance” under the terms of my online store, is only $997.

There’s Even A Remarkably Generous DOUBLE GUARANTEE

Your first Guarantee: You have THREE full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, just return everything and you’ll get 100% of your money back immediately. No one will ask you any questions at all. You do not need a “my dog ate my homework story”. No hassle. No fine print. Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get or you get a full refund. And, incidentally, I’m devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you’re not going to benefit from my program, I really would prefer to buy it back.

Your SECOND Guarantee: If you keep the program after the three months, I’ll ride along with you for another nine months. If, after a full year from your purchase date, you will show me proof that you used at least one of my strategies, and you will look me in the eye on paper and tell me you did not drastically improve motivation, morale, or productivity in your organization that you would not have otherwise, send me a note describing your use and failure with my methods, and I will STILL refund every penny you’ve paid. I want you to see major improvements in your organization that you know you would never have gotten without my program, or I want to buy it back.

So, THREE FULL MONTHS, unconditional satisfaction guarantee. PLUS an additional NINE MONTH conditional guarantee. Plus FREE shipping regardless of your decision about everything else.

Click one of these buttons to order now!

If you prefer to order by phone, call us at (615) 353-7125. You can use any payment method you like, including Amazon, Apple, PayPal, and all major credit cards. We can even invoice you.

No matter which method you choose, don’t put it off another minute. Order today and I guarantee you’ll IMMEDIATLEY start seeing AMAZING improvements in your business.

To Advancing Your Career and Increasing Your Income,

Glenn Shepard

P.S. I give dozens of seminars each year and have a very high opinion of the seminar experience with its immediacy, responsiveness and opportunity to interact with colleagues. BUT I also know that for many people recorded seminars work even better. And recorded seminars in a variety of formats – like what I’m offering you here – work best of all, because they let you:

  • explore the program at your desk or in your easy chair when it’s most convenient for you 

  • train multiple managers at the same time
  • learn while you drive (a much better use of your time than muttering unprintable things about other drivers)
  • replay portions of the seminar to make sure you’ve gotten every drop of performance enhancing knowledge and encouragement out of them
  • revisit sections when specific problems come up

P.P.S. We’re not just talking about having a more productive team, enjoying happier employees and feeling like a leader rather than a babysitter. We’re talking about your career and what you need to achieve to get the recognition, raises, bonuses and promotions you deserve.

P.P.P.S. Take a moment and imagine your workplace as it was yesterday. Now imagine it with everyone working at top productivity, enjoying the success of the team, getting along with each other and taking pride in their accomplishments. You make it happen. Click the Add to Cart button now.

P.P.P.P.S. This program comes on DVD. If you don’t have a DVD player, let us know in the Order Notes field on the checkout page and we’ll include one with your order for Free.

For even faster service, pick up the phone and call (615) 353-7125. It really is as easy as that to start becoming the leader you were meant to be.

There’s nothing we love more than helping our clients succeed, and we hope your purchase will lead you to your desired results. But if for any reason it doesn’t, we offer an industry leading 90-day unconditional 100% money-back guarantee on everything.

We believe every customer should get the VIP treatment – no matter how big or small. That’s why you’ll always enjoy FREE complimentary shipping anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, with NO minimums and NO exclusions.

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